July 31, 2011

What's on my easel?

oil on canvas. 30 x 20 inches (painting in progress)

This painting is still in progress. I visited Seattle, WA last month and did some plein air while I was there as well. The Kirkland lake is one of my favorite places around Seattle. It's hard to find this kind of scene in San Francisco. There were bunch of people at the lake yet all the busy crowds created a harmonious and balance feeling somehow. Nature is the best designer.  Hope to finish it by September.

July 30, 2011

Little Girl with Toy Cars

oil on linen. 28 x 22 inches

My intent for this painting is to focus on the expressive brushwork and composition. I hope to bring out the character of the little girl by using the contemporary subjects and at the same time still maintain the beauty of oil painting. The place I depicted in this painting is outside of 901 Columbus Coffee Shop at San Francisco, near AAU Chestnut Fine Art building. The little girl was playing with toy cars with her friend. I felt touched by the little girl at that moment and decided to paint the scene and keep the impression. 

Below picture is the study work of "Little Girl".

oil on canvas. 14x11 inches